Find out why our Integrated Approach is Better for You!

About Us

Welcome to Medical Fitness and Wellness Group Johns Creek. Wellness like you have never experienced before! We specialize in Personal Training, Corrective Exercise, Stretch Therapy, Massage Therapy, Nutrition for weight loss and diabetes control and prevention, customized training programs for fitness and weight loss, as well as Medical Exercise programs for Diabetes Type 2, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, stroke rehabilitation, and post-rehab chronic pain just to name a few.

Our Services

Whether you are looking for Personal Training to tone up, lose weight, gain strength, medical exercise for a specific condition, or improve your balance and flexibility, we will structure a program tailored to your needs.


Nutrition Program

Corrective Exercise

Corrective Exercise

work out

Personal Training

Redcord Johns Creek

Redcord Suspension Therapy

virtual personal training

Virtual Personal Training

Neuromuscular Massage

Massage Therapy

Stroke recovery

Medical Exercise

Myofascial Stretching

Myofascial Stretch Therapy

Osteoporosis prevention

Osteoporosis Program

Tip Of The Day

Eat to be Thin?

Eat to be Thin?

Have you ever heard this expression? It is TRUE. When we starve
ourselves or go without eating for long periods of time our body
goes into a bit of a “starvation” mode and it begins to store fat
as an emergency response. To keep the fire burning so to speak, we
need to eat every few hours to keep our bodies from entering into
this cycle. It is recommended that you eat 5-6 small meals
throughout the day. A meal can consist of an apple, banana,
carrots, protein bar or shake, etc.. It does not have to be a large
meal, just enough to take away your hunger. Keep in mind, however,
your small meal should be a somewhat healthy one 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Medical Fitness and Wellness Group offer?

Medical Fitness and Wellness Group specializes in Personal Training, Corrective Exercise, Stretching, Massage, Nutrition for weight loss and chronic diseases, and wellness solutions for those suffering from medical conditions, or chronic muscle and joint pain who want a safe, effective and customized exercise program. We also train healthy people with no current or pre-existing conditions who may just be looking to lose weight and tone up, build muscle, increase strength, improve their cardio, flexibility, eating habits, and improve their overall health or Sport. We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your current health condition(s), and create a customized plan for you.

What types of programs do you offer?

Aside from a customized program for your condition, we offer customized personal training onsite or virtual, a program for type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes, Osteoporosis, stroke rehab, exercise fall prevention for seniors, Golf and Tennis Performance Enhancement program, an 8-week Nutrition program to lose weight, balance your blood sugar, and lose weight, And 6-week Corrective programs for knee, hip, foot, shoulder and neck pain utilizing our Redcord Suspension Therapy system. Please visit our Services page for a complete list.

Do you take insurance?

If you are looking for out-of-network insurance-based Physical Therapy, we offer that through our third-party in-house provider Dr. Kelly Jones with Activcore. You can schedule with Kelly at  Choose the Johns Creek location. Some of our services specifically Massage may be covered or partially covered under insurance or Med Pay insurance. Medical Payments coverage, also known as MedPay coverage, pays medical expenses for you and any passengers in your vehicle who are injured during an accident or auto-related injury. Reach out to your car insurance provider to see how much coverage you have and can apply for therapy.  If you have a medical condition such as Diabetes Type 2, or pre-diabetes, a prescription from your doctor for our blood/sugar stabilization Nutrition program may be partially covered by insurance. You would need to submit your receipt from us for reimbursement from your health insurance provider. Reimbursement is not guaranteed or implied. The Bioness devices for stroke rehab may be completely covered or partially covered by your insurance.

All of our post-rehabilitation services including Corrective Exercise, Medical Exercise, and Redcord, are not covered by insurance, but we will work with you to offer you a competitive rate. Your company also may have a Wellness incentive that gives you discounts or partial reimbursement if you can show you are part of a structured wellness program. We also accept Health Savings Accounts (HSA). If you are a member of Active&Fit or Silver&Fit, you can receive a  discount for all of our services. Every case is unique and we will do our best to accommodate it. We are here to help and want to see you live the life you have always wanted, and not let Insurance restrictions govern your health. Without your health, you have nothing. We will work with you.

Do you take Medicare or Medicaid?

Our in-house Physical Therapy provider Dr. Kelly Jones from ActivCore accepts Medicare. You can schedule with Kelly at  Choose the Johns Creek location.

Do you take Health savings accounts(HSA)?

Yes. We have taken them in the past, and do currently do.

What is Corrective Exercise and why should I do it?

Does being pain-free through-out your week interest you? Corrective Exercise is a form of exercise designed to help bring the body back into good postural position. It begins with static and movement assessments to determine which area(s) are out of balance and then recommending simple exercises including massage, stretching, and strengthening to undo the old habits and create new healthier movement patterns to help eliminate pain for good. Through Corrective Exercises we reintroduce proper function to your body, which in turn restores correct structure. When your body stops compensating for imbalances you are able to move freely and your pain disappears. We focus on the underlying cause of your pain, not just a temporary solution to reduce your pain. We follow a 5-step process to correct your muscle imbalances. Corrective Exercise focuses on optimum posture, quality movement, and core function. By reintroducing proper structure in the body, structure can improve and you can move freely and with less pain.

What Our Client’s Say

These guys are phenomenal! I lost 12 lbs over 8 weeks, and have a meal plan that I feel I can stay with forever now.

Amy R.

After years of chronic knee pain, Mike and team have managed to work a miracle in a month. It's hard work, but it's the best investment I've ever made in my health. I can't thank them enough. I'm in it for the long haul!

Diane W.

Having worked out with Mike & his team for 4 years now, I am in better shape than ever. Their expertise on therapeutic massage and myofascial stretch help me feel even better.

Laurie G.

Our Team


Mike Hardy

Founder of Medical Fitness and Wellness Group
About Mike

Mike Hardy is a NASM Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, NASM Certified Golf Fitness Specialist, a Certified Redcord Active Specialist, Nationally Certified Personal Trainer, a Certified Nutrition Coach, as well as the founder of Medical Fitness and Wellness Group, an exercise and wellness company based in Johns Creek, Georgia.


Dan Lambert

Doctor of Chiropractic
About Dan

Dr. Dan Lambert was born in Detroit and grew up in mid-Michigan. His involvement in sports and coaching, baseball in particular, along with an aptitude for math and science led him to the University of Michigan, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. resizeimage 4

Sam Shadburn

Certified Exercise Physiologist
About Sam

Sam is a certified exercise physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine. He has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science and has worked in the rehabilitation field for 6 years.

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